
Promoting ratification of the WIPO Beijing Treaty in Asia

Participants at the WIPO Singapore seminar|black

On April 27, our Federation attended a WIPO seminar held in Singapore to promote the ratification of the Beijing treaty among several Asian countries. After a long day dwelling on the nuts and bolts of that convention and various exhaustive but rather "aseptic" presentations, FIA was pleased to screen various testimonials from actors, whose livelihoods and reputation these new rights are intended to advance and safeguard.

"These creative workers are those whom we are really here to talk about. It's about enhancing their present, sheltering their past and upholding their ability to make a decent living in this very challenging professional environment" - said FIA General Secretary, Dominick Luquer.

FIA urged 23 countries in the region to promptly ratify the Beijing treaty. Encouraging declarations were received, among others, from Singapore, Samoa, Fiji and several other countries present at the meeting.